Company Emergency Plan Example
Where do you start in creating a plan? The business emergency organization steps below can help:
1. Identify key people
Start by identifying the key people who will be part of your corporate emergency organization. These are usually members of management, the safety department and other relevant departments.
2. Complete company emergency plan
After identifying your company emergency organization, begin filling out your company emergency plan. This means creating a detailed plan of action for different types of emergencies that may affect your company.
3. Create a company emergency plan
Creating a company emergency plan is a thorough task. Start by defining the different risks your business may face and their potential consequences. Then identify the steps to be taken in each situation.
4. Company emergency plan checklist
Your company emergency plan should also include a checklist for both preventive measures and actions to be taken during and after an emergency.
5. Create emergency plan
When creating your emergency plan, consider creating scenario-specific plans. Consider fires, floods, cyber attacks or other specific hazards relevant to your business.
Company Emergency Plan Required
A company emergency plan is not only crucial for the safety and continuity of your business, but also a legal obligation. Under the Working Conditions Act, every employer is required to provide adequate safety measures for employees.
What is critical in a company emergency plan? It must be detailed and executable, with clear communication plans and a well-trained company emergency organization team. According to the NEN 8112 standard, which is the basis for company emergency plans in the Netherlands, the plan must include a risk analysis, an action plan for each identified risk, and a floor plan of the premises.
Corporate Safety
At Findwhere, we specialize in occupational safety. Whether you need help creating a company emergency plan or training your team to handle it efficiently, we’re here to help. We also offer courses to equip your team with the skills they need to respond quickly and efficiently in an emergency.
Internal Emergency Plan
An internal emergency plan is a specific part of a broader corporate emergency plan, aimed at responding to incidents within an organization. A good example is a power outage. While this may not seem dangerous at first glance, it can have serious consequences. In a hospital, for example, it can cause devices to fail. So a good backup plan is needed for that.
When creating an internal emergency plan, it is important to comply with all relevant laws and regulations, such as the Working Conditions Act. So make sure your plan is effective and compliant with the law.
Internal emergency plans are specific to a larger corporate emergency that aims to address problems within the organization. An effective example is a power outage. While this may not seem very concerning at first, depending on the type of business and the duration of the outage, it can have significant consequences. In education, a power outage can cause critical systems to go offline, leading to major problems.
When creating an internal emergency response plan, it is important to adhere to all relevant laws and regulations, including the Occupational Health and Safety Act. This facilitates achieving both practical and legal goals. Let our experts advise you!